Photo of the Day, Boston Style: Part XII (2019)

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stick n move

Oct 14, 2009
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-The Boston Globe

@imtitoa on IGers Boston, Instagram

@mattmcphersonphoto on IGersboston, Instagram

@imjustjk on IGers Boston, Instagram
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I love that they lit up the financial ctr. Didnt even need a new tower to get a new lit building on the skyline. South Station looks great as well obviously.
Beautiful structure and view. When the GC garage is gone, the view in the 2nd photo will be magnificent.
I absolutely love the lighting under the bridge.
Same, and I hate to loose the blue angled crane on top of 1 Dalton.
so i've wondered about this for a while and a couple of friends have asked me -- i'm wondering if anyone on AB has any insight:

so they/we spend millions upon millions of dollars and interrupt traffic patterns for years in order to do a (very nice, by the way) refurb on the longfellow. it was both a structural and an aesthetic sprucing up and i think it looks quite nice.

why, when there are plenty of solutions available out there -- discreet, non-expensive -- didn't they do something to protect the tops of the "salt and pepper shakers" so that they aren't nearly immediately covered in tons of seagul and pigeon crap?

it just seems like such an easily preventable problem and, given the $$$ spent on the rest of the project, why not spring for what would amount to about $200 dollars worth of pigeon spikes?
^ The pigeon shit, like the hot rivets, is historically accurate.
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