Kenmore North (541 Commonwealth Avenue) Public Meeting


Senior Member
May 25, 2006
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Hello, if you are in favor of preserving the facade of 541 Commonwealth Avenue, please read the following:

There will be an important community meeting this Wednesday, August 29 at 6 pm. The meeting will be an Article 85 Demo Delay Public Meeting. If I understand correctly, it is organized by the Mayor’s Office, and was listed by the Mayor’s rep Yissel Guerrero in her Fenway newsletter.

If you are able to come and voice your support for the demolition delay and the façade’s preservation, that would be really helpful. I am planning on attending, and my understanding is others in support of preservation will be as well.

The meeting will be held in the Kenmore Classroom Building at Boston University, 565 Commonwealth Avenue, Boston, MA 02215. Attached is a flyer which was posed on the building.

Please let me know if you might attend (or if you have questions) at We are also collecting names of City of Boston voters for our petition for Boston Landmarks. Thank you!
